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//Venomous Villains Collection by Mac Cosmetics

Disney paired up with MAC to give you their NEW collection Venomous Villains..and I WANT every piece of it. :)


Buy here @: MAC Cosmetics

//Album Art - Rihanna "Loud"

Rihanna just released the cover photo to her next project LOUD releasing Nov. 16th this year.

 "I'm gonna miss the Rated R era too, but nothing compares to the album I just made," Rihanna said, adding,"I made sure not to let you down with my music. You guys are always defending me, so now you’ve got some great songs to justify it. I didn’t want to go backward and remake Good Girl Gone Bad. I wanted the next step in the evolution of Rihanna, and it’s perfect for us" - Rihanna


//New Shit - "Right Thru Me" Nicki Minaj


//New Vid: Rihanna "Who's That Chick"

**Video is a leak! Sounds like Rihanna's album titled "Loud" is a dance album. Even tho Rated R was my fave..wayy different sound now..I still like it tho, Watch it now before it's gone!!!** :(

Rihanna announced this on her twitter yesterday:

  1. I don't want u to get confused...doritos is in no way connected to LOUD

  2. Who's that Chick, is an online music video/commercial that we shot for Doritos and it got leaked.........


//Is Chris Brown's Mom SERIOUS?

Get real..Just cos Chris can moonwalk..thats the only thing he can do just a LITTLE like MJ.. don't mean anything.

//New Shit - "Only Girl" Rihanna

*love it!!*


//New Shit -"The Usual" Trey Songz feat. Drake

//New Shit - "Devil In A New Dress" Kanye West

//New Shit - "Cupids Got A Gun" Shanell feat. Nicki Minaj


//Happy B*Day Bey!

Today, Beyonce' is 29.